
Interdisciplinary Nursing Research Division
In recent years, joint research that transcends boundaries and exploits mutual expertise in all fields has become increasingly active. Interdisciplinary fusion research projects with other fields such as engineering, statistics, and social psychology are currently underway in the field of nursing. For example, many nursing researchers have experience in joint research with experts in the field of information and statistics using big data based on research questions from a nursing perspective.
By utilizing the results of big data analysis, it is possible to gain a macro view of the trends of care in Japanese society as a whole, link findings to policy, and elucidate the characteristics of each organization in comparison to the whole. In addition, to solve problems in nursing practice, researchers in nursing and engineering are conducting joint research utilizing their respective expertise, which leads to the development of new medical devices and systems and contributes to the improvement of nursing practice.
These interdisciplinary efforts have brought about changes in the medical, nursing, and long-term care fields. The field of nursing, which plays a central role in care, is not limited to hospitals and other medical facilities but also encompasses a wide range of activities in the community and in the homes of patients. In addition, the field of nursing is not limited to people who are ill, but also includes all kinds of subjects, such as contributing to the maintenance and promotion of people's physical and mental health, and supporting the lives and livelihoods of people with illnesses. The study of nursing is required to evolve to continue to provide appropriate care to diverse subjects in diverse environments, to provide better care, and to protect the well-being and quality of life (QOL) of people. The Interdisciplinary Nursing Research Division is engaged in activities aimed at contributing to the development of nursing science and society through the interaction of more than “1 + 1 = 2,” by utilizing each other's expertise through convergence and fusion with various fields and disciplines that are not limited to the academic discipline of nursing.